Release Cheat Baseball Heroes V664 14 JUNI 2014

Hai ane kali ini share cheat Baseball Heroes V664 [14 Juni 2014]

-No Absorb Combo
-Easy Max Combo
-Auto Swing
-Easy RBI

Alat Tempur:
- Cheat Engine : Download Here
- BBH V664 32-bit: Download Here
- BBH V664 64-bit: Download Here
- Browser jangan lupa

Virus Total:
BBH V664 32-bit
BBH V664 64-bit

1. Buka Baseball Heroes
2. Buka BBH V664 32/64-bit
3. Attach Browser yang sedang kaliang pakai
4. Klik Enable All saat Loading di atas 30%
5. Enjoy it

Credit : Djaggo [Forum sebelah]

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