Release Update Cheat Crossfire 26/09/2013 Hot!!!!

Credit : Yuzra45
#Windows Xp Worked 100%
#Windows 7 No Tested ( Test By Your Self)
#Windows 8 No Tested ( Test By Your Self)
#Windows Vista No Tested ( Test By Your Self)

#Wallhack = AUto On
#SeeGhost = AUto On
#FastPlant = AUto On
#FastDefuse = AUto On
#DefuseDistance = AUto On
#NoFlashDamage = AUto On
#NoSmokeDamage = AUto On
#NoGrenadeDamage = AUto On
#FastKnife = AUto On (Hanya Klik Kiri)
#NoScope = AUto On
#NoBugDMG = AUto On
#NoFallDmg = AUto On
#WireFrame = NUMPAD1 (On/Off)
#BugMap = NUMPAD2 (On/Off)
#ChamsGray = NUMPAD3 (On/Off)
#NoScope-Sniper = NUMPAD4
#CrouchSpeed = NUMPAD5 (Tekan NUMPAD5 setelah itu Tekan CTRL-Kiri sambil maju)Map Galaxi
#SpeedHack = NUMPAD6 (Tekan NUMPAD6 steleah itu Tekan SHIFT-KIRI sambil maju) Zombie Resort
#Always-HS = Tekan INSERT 1 Kali atau 2 kali untuk mengaktifkan Always-Hs.
#FlyHack = Tekan SEPASI
#Walk Thorugh Walls = Tekan SHIFT-KANAN sambil ke arah dinding yg ingin di Tembus. (Pakai 1 kali stiap Pertandaningan)

Cara Pemakian :
#Buka PerX(sudah di dalem rar)
#isi nama to Inject dengan : crossfire.exe
#Klik Browse dan Masukan Yuzra45.dll
#Ceklis Automatic.
#Buka CF.
#ada Notice enter-enter sajan dengan Cepat


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